What Happens During Dental Cleanings in Adelphi?

dental cleanings adelphi

What Happens During Dental Cleanings in Adelphi?

Hey there! If you’ve ever wondered what happens during a dental cleaning, you’re not alone. Many people have questions about this vital part of oral health care. At Ashley Dental Center, understanding what happens during dental cleanings in Adelphi can demystify your visit to the dentist. So, let’s dive into what you can expect when you come in for your dental cleaning.


The Arrival and Getting Comfortable

Your visit to Ashley Dental Center typically starts with signing in and getting comfortable in our welcoming reception area. Once it’s your turn, a friendly dental hygienist will escort you to the treatment room, where they’ll help you settle into the dental chair. This chair is designed for comfort, with various settings to ensure ease throughout the process.


Medical and Dental History Review

Before the actual cleaning begins, the hygienist will review your medical and dental history. They’ll ask about any changes you might have experienced since your last visit—any new medications, changes in your health, or concerns about your teeth and gums. This is a crucial step as it helps us tailor your cleaning and provides insight into any issues we need to monitor.


Initial Oral Examination

Next, the hygienist will check your mouth for signs of dental issues, such as cavities, gum disease, or other problems. They’ll carefully inspect your teeth and gums using a small mirror and a dental explorer. This initial examination allows us to identify areas needing special attention during the cleaning.


The Cleaning Process Begins

Now comes the part that most people think of when they hear “dental cleaning”! The hygienist can use an ultrasonic scaler to remove plaque and tartar buildup from your teeth. This tool emits vibrations that break apart deposits while flushing out debris with water spray. It’s effective and often more comfortable than older methods. If you have significant buildup or are prone to gum disease, the hygienist may also use hand instruments to clean around each tooth thoroughly.


After that, it’s time for some polishing! The hygienist will apply a special toothpaste to a rotating brush, which gives your teeth an excellent polish. This step helps to remove any remaining surface stains and leaves your teeth feeling smooth and shiny. The polishing paste comes in various flavors, so choose one you enjoy!


Flossing and Rinsing

Once your teeth are polished, the hygienist will floss between them, which is crucial for maintaining gum health. Flossing removes plaque or food particles lurking between your teeth, areas that toothbrushes often miss. After we floss, you’ll rinse your mouth to wash out any debris.


Final Examination by the Dentist

After your cleaning is complete, the dentist will come in to perform a thorough examination of your mouth. They’ll review the hygienist’s notes, check the condition of your teeth and gums, and discuss any findings with you. We may take X-rays to investigate any underlying issues that aren’t visible during the examination.


Getting Recommendations

Your dentist will recommend home care and future treatments based on the examination results—if needed. They might suggest using a specific toothpaste, changing your brushing technique, or scheduling further appointments for particular treatments. This is a great time to ask any questions about your oral health!


Dental Cleanings in Adelphi

And that’s it! A dental cleaning at Ashley Dental Center typically takes about an hour, and it’s an essential part of maintaining oral health. With just two yearly cleanings, you’re on the right track to preventing cavities and gum disease. We pride ourselves on making your visit as pleasant and informative as possible. So, never hesitate to ask your questions or concerns. Dr. Paul W. Ashley and Dr. Michael Ashley are here to help you brighten that beautiful smile!

Remember, regular dental cleanings improve oral health and contribute to overall well-being. We hope you’ll join us at Ashley Dental Center for your next cleaning, where your smile is our priority!